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Thematically related to 'IT - Informatics Alphabet':

Triumph of the Nerds: A History of the Computer

Intel Museum - Welcome to the Intel Museum

Unicode, Inc.

Webopedia Online Computer Dictionary

HwB The Hardware Book

The PC Guide

O'Reilly's bookshelf

The HiTMilL's home page

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

HTML 3.2 Reference Specification

HTML 4.01 Specification

HTML 5.0 Specification

CSS 2.1 Specification

IANA Home Page

ANSI Online

Cisco Systems - Croatia

Microsoft - Croatia

Debian - The Universal Operating System

Ubuntu - Linux-based Operating System

Nu2 Productions (BartPE)

Links to the useful sites:

Microsoft - Microsoft TechNet

Microsoft - Windows Sysinternals

Microsoft Small Basic

Microsoft - Help and support

TweakNow PowerPack

Glary Utilities

AVG - Free Products

Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus

nLite (vLite)


Ultimate Boot CD - DOS

Ultimate Boot CD - Windows

Hiren's Boot CD

Port Forward (routers)

KNOPPIX - Linux on the bootable CD / DVD

Antec Power Supply Calculator

IP Subnet Calculator

The Ultimate Guide to Subnetting

Get into PC

Other interesting links:

PSE - periodic table of the elements (web tools)

Chemistry Dictionary & Glossary

Addiction Resource - stay drug-free (support 24/7)

Smoking kills - Quit Now! Realize possible benefits.

Vaping 101 - Health Relation, Benefits, and More.

Health Corps for teens

Start Your Recovery of Alcohol Addiction Today!


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Radic, Drago. " Informatics Alphabet " Split-Croatia.
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