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The following index certainly does not cover all the terms that are referenced and addressed in this eBook. It was added to make it easier to access the pages that process the desired term, and also that this ebook has all the elements of a 'real' book. A more effective way to search a book is to use a local search engine that is easily accessed by the L1 action on the magnifying glass icon contained in each page of this book.
No 10/100/1000BaseT - | 3.6.4. | 10/100/1000BaseTX - | 3.6.4. | 100Base-T4 - | 3.6.4. | 10xxxBase-T - | 3.6.3. | 3.6.4. | 1000Base-TX - | 3.6.4. | 1024 - | 2.1.4. | 1250 code page - | 2.2.3. | 9.e. | 1252 code page - | 9.d. | 128B/130B - | 3.5.10. | 1394 - | 3.3.7. | 3B/4B - | 3.5.10. | 3LD - | 7.5.5. | 437 code page - | 2.2.2. | 9.a. | 55°C - | 3.5.10. | 5.1 - | H.Theater | 5B/6B - | 3.5.10. | 7.1 - | H.Theater | 80x86 processor - | 3.5. | 80x87 coprocessor - | 3.5. | 80xxx processor - | 3.5.2. | 802.XX - | 3.6.4. | 8859-2 code - | 2.2.3. | 9.f. | I Complement - | 2.3.2. | II Complement - | 2.3.2. | I K - | 2.3.2. | II K - | 2.3.2. |
A A/D - | 3.3.7. | 7.1. | 7.1.1. | Abstract Alphabet - | 2.2. | Access Point - | 7.4.4. | 7.5. | 7.6. | Account - | 3.6.5. | Accumulator - | 3.3.1. | ACL - | 7.6. | Actuator - | 3.3.6. | 7.1.2. | 7.1.2. | 7.10. | Adder - | 2.4.2. | Address (memory) - | 3.3.3. | 3.3.5. | Advertising - | 7.7. | AES - | 4.4.4. | AGP - | 3.3.2. | 3.3.8. | 3.5.2. | AI (Artificial Intelligence) - | 7.3.2. | Algorithm - | 3.4.2. | 3.4.3. | 6. | ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) - | 2.3.2. | 3.3. | 3.5.2. | ALT (key) - | 3.5.8. | 4.4.1. | 9.h. | AM - | 1.3. | Analog signal - | 1.1. | Analog Computing Systems - | 7. | API - | 4.5. | APIC - | 3.5.6. | APIPA - | 3.6.4. | Apple - | 3.3. | Archive (Backup) - | 3.3.6. | 4.4.6. | 4.4.6. | 9.i. | ArpaNet - | 7.4. | Artificial Intelligence (AI) - | 7.3.2. | 7.12. | ASCII code - | 2.2.2. | Prilozi | ASLR - | 4.5.1. | AT commands - | 3.6.5. | Attribute (File) - | 3.4. | ATA - | 3.3.6. | ATM - | 7.4. | Atom - | 3.5.10. | Audio Amplifiers - | H.Theater | AUI - | 3.6.4. | Autoexec.bat - | 4.1. | 4.1.1. | 4.3. |
B B class - | CLI | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | BAJT (Byte) - | 1.2. | 2.1.4. | Backup (Archive) - | 3.3.6. | 4.4.6. | 4.4.6. | 9.i. | Bad sectors - | 3.5.5. | BandWith - | 1.3. | Bar-Code - | 2.2.3. | Batch processing - | 3. | Battery - | 3.5.11. | Baud (Bd) - | 1.2. | BCD kod - | 2.2.1. | Beep-Code - | 2.2.3. | Binary number system - | 2.1.2. | Binary Counter - | 2.4.2. | BIOS - | 3.2. | 3.4.1. | 3.5.11. | 4.4.2. | 4.5. | 4.5.2. | 5.1. | Bistabil (Flip-Flop) - | 2.4.2. | bit | 1.2. | Blu-Ray - | 3.3.6. | BOD (Baud) - | 1.2. | Bluetooth - | 7.5.2. | BNC - | 3.6.4. | Bootstrap - | 3.3. | 4.4.2. | 4.5.2. | 5.1. | Boot Manager - | 4.5.2. | Boot Sector - | 4.4.2. | 4.5.2. | 5.1. | Bracket - | 3.5.10. | Bridge - | 3.6.3. | 7.4.4. | 7.6. | Brightness - | 3.5.7. | Broadcast - | 3.6.1. | 4.3.4. | 7.4.4. | Broadcast address - | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.3. | 7.4.4. | BRI ISDN - | 3.6.6. | BTX - | 3.5.10. | Buffer - | 3.3.1. | Bug - | 3.2. | Bus - | 3.3.1. | 3.3.2. | 3.5.10. | Button Cell - | 3.5.11. | BYTE (Bajt) - | 1.2. | 2.1.4. |
C C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 (UTP) - | 3.6.4. | C class - | CLI | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | 7.6. | C4ISR - | 7.9. | CA - | DVB | Cabling - | 3.6.4. | 3.6.4. | 7.5.1. | Cache - | 3.3. | 3.3.2. | 3.3.5. | 3.3.6. | 3.3.6. | 3.5.2. | 3.5.10. | CAD - | 7.3.2. | CAE - | 7.3.2. | CARNet - | 7.4. | CAV - | 3.3.6 | CDMA - | 7.5.2. | Cell (memorijska) - | 3.3.3. | Central processor Unit (CPU) - | 2.3.2. | 3.3. | 3.3.1. | 3.5.2. | 7.2. | Centronics - | 3.3.7. | Chip - | Chip | Chipset - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.1. | 3.5.3. | 3.5.10. | Chrominance - | 3.5.7. | CI - | DVB | Cisco - | CLI | Class A, B ,C ,D ,E - | CLI | 3.6.2. | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | Classes of audio amplifiers - | H.Theater | Classfull - | 4.5.5. | Classless - | 4.5.5. | Client (User) - | 3.6. | Cluster - | 3.3.6. | 3.3.6. | 7.5. | 7.9. | CLV - | 3.3.6 | CMOS - | Čip (Chip) | 2.4.2. | 3.3.5. | CMY/CMYK - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7. | Code - | 2.2. | Code Element - | 2.2. | Code Replacement - | 2.2. | 7.1. | Codec - | 2.2. | Coder - | DVB | Coding - | 2.2. | Color Depth - | 3.5.7. | Color Gamut - | 3.5.7. | Color Model - | 3.5.7. | Color Space - | 3.5.7. | Compiler - | 3.4.2. | COMMAND.COM - | 4.1. | Command Prompt - | 4.4. | 4.4.2. | 4.6.1. | Communication Channel - | 1.1. | Communication System - | 1.1. | Computer Logic - | 2.4. | Config.sys - | 4.1. | 4.1.1. | 4.3. | Contrast - | 3.5.7. | Control Unit (CU) - | 3.3. | Cooling - | Chip | Counter - | 2.4.2. | 3.3.1. | 7.2. | Coupler - | 3.6.4. | CPU (Central processor Unit) - | 2.3.2. | 3.3. | 3.3.1. | 3.5.2. | 7.2. | CRT - | 3.3.8. | Cryptography - | GnuPG | 2.2.3. | CROSCII code - | 2.2.3. | 9.b. | Crossover - | 3.6.4. | CSMA/CD (/CA) - | 3.6.1. | 7.4.4. | 7.5.2. | CU (Control Unit) - | 3.3. | Cursor - | 3.4.1. | 4.3.1. | 4.6.1. | Cylinder - | 3.3.6. |
D D1, D2, D3 (abbreviations) - | 4.1.4. | 4.3. | D/A - | 3.3.7. | 7.1. | 7.1.2. | DAC - | 3.5.7. | DAT - | 3.3.6. | Data - | 1.1. | Datagram (packet) - | 7.4.3. | DDR - | 3.3.5. | 3.5.4. | 3.5.10. | dB - | H.Theater | DDS - | 3.3.6. | Deafault - | 4.1.4. | 4.2.1. | Decapsulation - | 3.6.2. | 7.4.3. | Decimal Number - | 2.1.1. | Decimal point - | 2.1.1. | Decryption - | GnuPG | 2.2.3. | Degradation Information - | 1.2. | Decade Number System - | 2.1.1. | Decoder- | DVB | Decoding - | 2.2. | Delphi - | 6.2. | Demodulation - | 1.3. | Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) - | 7.4.4. | 7.5. | 7.6. | Desktop - | 3.5.11. | 4.3.1. | DHCP - | 3.6.2. | 3.6.4. | 4.3.4. | 7.4.4. | 7.5.5. | 7.6. | Digital - | 3.3. | Digital Computer - | 3.3. | Digital Signal - | 1.1. | Digital Signature - | GnuPG | Directory Junction - | 4.4.7. | DirectX - | 4.5. | 4.5.1. | 4.6.1. | Dissipation - | 3.3.1. | DLNA - | Multimedia | DMA - | 3.5.3. | 3.5.9. | 3.6.4. | DMM - | 3.6.4. | DMZ - | 7.4.4. | 7.5. | 7.6. | DNS - | 3.6.2. | 4.3.4. | 7.4.4. | 7.5.5. | 7.6. | DOCSIS - | 7.6. | Documentation - | 3.1. | Dolby - | H.Theater | DOS - | 4.1. | 4.3. | 4.5.1. | Dosstart.bat - | 3.7. | Driver - | 3.2. | 3.4.1. | 3.5.7 | 3.6. | DSLAM - | 7.6. | DTS - | H.Theater | Dual (Second) Complement - | 2.3.2. | Duplex - | 1.1. | 3.3.7. | 7.5.2. | DVB-T/C/S - | DVB | DVB-T2/C2/S2 - | DVB | Dvorak key layout - | 3.3.8. |
E E-Mail (Electronic Address) - | 3.6.5. | 7.4.1. | Ear - | H.Theater | Earnings - | 7.7. | EAROM - | 3.3.5. | ECC - | Rack | 3.3.6. | 3.5.4. | 3.5.10. | EDORAM - | 3.3.5. | EEROM (EEPROM) - | 3.3.5. | EIDE - | 3.3.6. | Electronic Address (E-Mail) - | 3.6.5. | 7.4.1. | Electronic Mail - | 7.4.1. | EMS - | 3.5.4. | Encapsulation - | 3.6.2. | 7.4.3. | Encryption - | GnuPG | 2.2.3. | Entropy - | 1.2. | Euro (€) - | 9.h. | exFAT - | 3.5.5. | Expert System - | 7.3.2. | Extended partition - | 3.5.5. | 3.5.11. | 4.4.2. | Extranet - | 7.5. |
F FAT (FAT 16) - | 3.5.5. | 4.1. | FAT 32 - | 3.5.5 | FAT 64 - | 3.5.5. | FDD (Floppy disk) - | 3.3.6. | FDMA - | 7.5.2. | Feed - | 2.3.2. | Fiber Optics - | 3.6.4. | 7.5.1. | File Specification - | 3.4. | 4.1.1. | 5.1.1. | File System - | 3.3.6. | 3.4.1. | 4.4. | FireWire - | 3.3.7. | First Complement - | 2.3.2. | Flag - | 3.3.1. | FlashROM - | 3.3.5. | 3.5.11. | Flip-Flop (Bistabil) - | 2.4.2. | Floppy disk (FDD) - | 3.3.6. | Flowchart - | 3.4.2. | FM - | 1.3. | Folder (Directory) - | 4.1. | Formatting - | 3.5.5. | 4.1. | Formula 1 (F1) - | 7.10. | Formula E - | 7.10.1 | FPU - | 2.3.2. | 3.3. | 3.5.2. | Frame (Ram) - | 3.6.2. | Frame (TCP/IP) - | 7.4. | 7.4.3. | 7.4.3. | Frequency Domain - | 1.3. | FSSTND - | 5.1.3. | Full-Adder - | 2.4.2. | Full-Duplex - | 1.1. | 3.3.7. | 3.5.10. | 7.5.2. | FULL-HDTv - | 3.3.8. |
G Gateway - | 4.3.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | 7.6. | GB (GigaByte) - | 2.1.4. | 3.3.3. | GDDR - | 3.5.7. | General purpose computers - | 3.2. | gibi - | 2.1.4. | GIG - | 7.9. | giga - | 2.1.4. | GMail - | 7.7. | GND (Ground) - | GND | Google AdSense - | 7.7.2. | Google AdWords - | 7.7.2. | Google Analytics - | 7.7.1. | Google Webmaster Tools - | 7.7.1. | GPG - | GnuPG | GPG4Win - | GnuPG | GPEdit - | 4.4.2. | GPU - | 3.5.7. | Graphics Card - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7. | GPS - | 7.9. | GRID - | 3.3.6. | 7.5. | 7.9. | Ground (GND) - | GND |
H H77 - | 3.5.10. | H87 - | 3.5.10. | H97 - | 3.5.10. | HAL - | 4.5. | Half-Adder - | 2.4.2. | Half-duplex - | 1.1. | 3.3.7. | HAMR - | 3.3.6. | Hardware - | 3.1. | Hard disk - HDD - | 3.3.6. | Hard Link - | 4.4.7. | HASH - | GnuPG | HDD - | 3.3.6. | HDMI - | 3.5.10. | HDMI Extender - | Multimedia | 3.5.10. | Hexadecimal number system - | 2.1.4. | HID - | 7.5. | Hi‑Fi - | H.Theater | High color - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7 | HMA - | 4.1. | Home Theater - | H.Theater | Multimedia | HSB color model - | 3.5.7 | HSL color model - | 3.5.7 | HSV color model - | 3.5.7. | HTML - | 3.6.5. | Hub - | 3.6.3. | 3.6.4. | 7.4.4. | Hue - | 3.5.7. |
I i.Link - | 3.3.7. | I/O - | 3.3.8. | I/O Channel - | 3.3.7. | 3.5.2. | I/O Map - | 3.5.9. | I/O Port - | 3.3.7. | 3.5.2. | IAD - | 7.6.2. | IBM - | 3.2. | IC (chip) - | 2.4.2. | 7.3.2. | ICC files - | 3.5.7. | ICM files - | 3.5.7. | IDEA - | GnuPG | IEEE - | 3.6.4. | IEEE 1394 - | 3.3.7. | Image Scaling - | 3.3.8. | Indeterminacy Event - | 1.2. | Informatics - | Introduction | 1. | Information - | Introduction | 1. | 1.2 | 7. | Information Literacy - | Preamble | 1. | Information System - | 1. | 7. | 7.4. | Information Literacy - | Preamble | 1. | Information Quantity - | 1.2. | Information System - | 1. | Installation of Software - | 9.i. | Instruction - | 3.3.4. | Integrated circuit - | 2.4.2. | 7.3.2. | Interface - | 3.3.6. | 3.3.7. | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7. | 3.6. | internet - | 7.4. | Internet - | 7.4. | Internet Earnings - | 7.7. | Interpreter - | 3.4.2. | Interrupt - | 3.5.6. | Interrupt vector - | 3.5.6. | Intranet - | 7.5. | Intel - | 3.3. | IP address - | 3.6.2. | 7.4.3. | 7.4.4. | IPConfig - | 4.3.4. | 7.4.3. | IPv4 - | 7.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.6.1. | IPv6 - | 7.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.6.1. | IPX/ SPX - | 3.6.3. | 3.6.3. | I/Q - | DVB | IRC - | 7.4.1. | IRQ - | 3.5.6. | ISR - | 3.5.6. |
J JBOD - | 3.3.6. | JTA - | 7.9. | Jumper - | 3.3. | 3.5.5. | 3.5.9. | Junction - | 4.4.7. | 5.1.4. | Junction point - | 4.4.7. |
K K1, K2 (abbreviations) - | 4.1.4. | 4.3. | kB (KiloByte) - | 2.1.4. | 3.3.3. | kbps - | 1.3. | Kernel - | 3.4.1. | Keyboard - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.8. | Keyboard Shortcuts - | 9.h. | Keyring - | GnuPG | kibi - | 2.1.4. | kilo - | 2.1.4. | KnowHow - | 7.3.2. |
L L1, L2, L3 (abbreviations) - | 4.1.4. | 4.3. | L1, L2, L3 (Cache) - | 3.3.2. | 3.3.5. | L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7 (OSI layers) - | 3.6.2. | 7.4. | 7.4.3. | LAN - | 3.6. | 7.4. | 7.5.1. | Language Processors - | 3.4. | 3.4.2. | Laser - | 3.6.4. | Laser Printer - | 3.3.8. | Latin 2 - | 2.2.3. | 9.e. | 9.f. | Leading Zeros - | 2.1.4. | Leading bit - | 2.2. | LED - | 3.6.4. | Letters Keys - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.8. | LCD - | 3.3.8. | LDS - | 3.3.6. | LGA 1155 - | 3.5.10. | LGA 1156 - | Čip | LGA 1366 - | 3.5.10. | LGA 775 - | 3.5.10. | Lifeware - | 3.1. | LIM - | 3.5.4. | Line (modem) - | 3.6.5. | Linker - | 3.4.2. | LLC (cache) - | 3.3.5. | Location (memory) - | 3.3.3. | LOG IN - | 3.6.5. | Logic Circuits - | 2.4.2. | Logic Sets - | 2.4.1. | Logical Partition - | 4.4.2. | Loopback plug - | 3.6.4. | Loudspeaker - | H.Theater |
M MAC - | 3.6.4. | 7.4.3. | 7.4.3. | 7.6. | Magnetic Tapes - | 3.3.6. | MAN - | 7.4. | Map (Folder) - | 4.1. | 4.4.2. | 4.4.3. | Mainframe - | 3.6. | Matherboard (mainboard) - | 3.3. | 3.5.10. | MB (MegaByte) - | 2.1.4. | 3.3.3. | MBR - | 4.4.2. | 4.4.6. | 4.5.2. | 5.1. | Mbps - | 1.3. | MCA - | 3.3.2. | McIntosh - | H.Theater | mebi - | 2.1.4. | Media Player - | Multimedia | Memory Address - | 3.3.3. | 3.3.5. | Memory Cell - | 3.3.3. | 3.5.4. | Memory Cycle - | 3.3.3. | Memory Location - | 3.3.3. | Memory Map - | 3.5.4. | mega - | 2.1.4. | Message - | 1.1. | Message Digest - | GnuPG | Microcontroller - | 7.2. | 7.3. | Microelectronics - | 2.4.2. | Microprocessor - | 1.1. | 3.3.1. | 3.5.2. | Microwave Oven - | 7.5.2. | MM - | 3.6.4. | MMU - | 3.5.4. | Modem - | 3.3.7. | 3.6.5. | 7.4.4. | Modulation- | 1.3. | Molex - | 3.3.9. | Monitor - | 3.3.8. | Motorola - | 3.3. | Mouse - | 3.3. | 3.3.8. | 3.5.8. | 4.1.4. | 4.2. | 4.3. | MPTS - | DVB | MPEG-2 - | DVB | MPEG-4 - | DVB | MPEG-PS - | DVB | MPEG-TS - | DVB | MPEG-4 AAC - | H.Theater | MPEG-4 AVC - | H.Theater | MSDOS.SYS - | 4.1. | Multicast Address - | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | Multimedia - | Multimedia | Multimedia switch - | Multimedia | Music (Sound) Card - | 3.3. | 7.1.2. |
N NAS - | Player | 3.3.6. | 7.5. | NAT - | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | 7.5.5. | 7.5. | NDS - | 3.6.3. | Needle printer - | 3.3.8. | NetBEUI - | 3.6.3. | NetWare - | 3.6.2. | 3.6.3. | 3.6.3. | Netmask - | 4.4.4. | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | Network Address - | 3.6.2. | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | Network Cabinet - | Rack | 7.4.4. | 7.5.1. | Network Card (NIC) - | 3.6. | 3.6.4. | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | Network Class - | 3.6.2. | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | Network Operator - | 3.6.3. | Network Supervisor - | 3.6.3. | News Groups - | 7.4.1. | Neumann - | 3.3. | NIC - | 3.6. | 3.6.4. | 4.4.4. | 7.4.4. | NM10 - | 3.5.10. | Node - | 3.6.1. | Non-ECC - | 3.5.4. | 3.5.4. | 3.5.10. | NOS - | 3.6. | Novell NetWare - | 3.6.3. | 3.6.3. | NTSC - | 3.3.8. | Null-modem cable - | 3.3.7. | NULL device - | 5.1.3. | Numerical systems - | 2. |
O Octal number system - | 2.1.3. | Off-Line system - | 7.3. | Off-Line UPS - | 3.3.10. | OLED - | 3.3.8. | On-Line UPS - | 3.3.10. | OM1, OM2, OM3, OM4 - | 3.6.4. | On-Line processing - | 3. | On-Line system - | 7.3. | 7.3.1. | On-Line UPS - | 3.3.10. | Operating System (OS) - | 3.4. | 3.4.1. | Optički vod (optovod) - | 3.6.4. | 7.5.1. | Orgware (organizacija) - | 3.1. | OS (Operating System) - | 3.4. | 3.4.1. | OS1 - | 3.6.4. | Overflow - | 2.3.1. | 2.4.2. |
P P2P (Peer-to-Peer) - | 3.3.7. | 3.5.12. | 3.6. | 3.6. | 3.6.3. | Packet (datagram) - | 7.4.3. | PAE - | 3.5.4. | 3.5.10. | 4.4.9. | PAL - | 3.3.8. | Partition - | 4.4.2. | Password - | 3.6.5. | PayPal - | 7.7. | PBC - | 4.5.5. | PC (Personal Computer) - | 3.2. | 3.5. | PC keyboard - | 3.5.8. | PCB - | 3.5.10. | PCI-E (PCI-Express) - | 3.3.2. | 3.5.2. | 3.5.10. | 3.5.10. | Peltier Heatsink - | 3.3.1. | Pentium - | 3.5.2. | PGP - | GnuPG | PGP signature - | GnuPG | pH meter - | 7.8. | PAM-5 - | 3.6.4. | Phasor - | 1.3. | Phone (modem) - | 3.6.5. | Ping - | 7.4.4. | PIO - | 3.3.7. | PIRQ - | 3.5.6. | Pixel - | 3.3.8. | PKS - | GnuPG | Plasma - | 3.3.8. | PnP - | 3.3. | 3.5.7. | 3.5.9. | PM - | 1.3. | PoE (Power over Ethernet) - | 7.5.2. | Port - | 3.5.6. | Port (I/O) - | 3.3.7. | Port Device - | 3.5.9. | Port Protocol - | 7.4. | 7.4.2. | 7.4.3. | POST - | 2.2.3. | 3.3.5. | 3.5.11. | 4.5.2. | 4.5.5. | Potentiometer - | 7.10. | POTS - | 7.6. | PPI - | 3.3.8 | PPPoE - | 7.6. | PPPTP - | 7.6. | Pragmatics - | 1.1. | Precision - | 2.3.2. | 6.2.2. | PRI ISDN - | 3.6.6. | Primary partition - | 3.5.5. | 3.5.11. | 4.4.2. | Printer - | 3.3.8. | Private key - | GnuPG | Private network - | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | 7.6. | Process - | 3.4.1. | Process Computers - | 3.2. | Processes - | 7.3. | Program - | 3.3.4. | Program Support (Software) - | 3.1. | 3.4. | 3.4.4. | PROM - | 3.3.5. | Prompt - | 4.1. | 4.3.1. | 4.4. | 4.4.2. | 4.6.1. | Protected mod - | 3.5.4. | Protocol - | TCP/IP | 3.6. | 3.6.2. | Public network - | 4.5.5. | 7.4.4. | Public Key - | GnuPG | Pulse Rectifier (SPS) - | 3.3.9. | Punch Card - | Introduction |
Q Q57 - | Chip | QAM - | DVB | QR-Code (Quick Response Code) - | 2.2.3. | Quantization - | 7.1.1. | QWERTY key layout - | 3.3.8. | QWERTZ key layout - | 3.3.8. |
R Rack - | Rack | 7.4.4. | 7.5.1. | RAID - | 3.3.6. | 3.5.2. | 3.6.3. | RAM - | 3.3. | 3.3.5. | 3.5.4. | Ram (Frame) - | 3.6.2. | RAMDAC - | 3.5.7. | RAM-Disk - | 4.4.9. | RDMA- | 3.6.4. | Raster image - | 3.3.8. | RDRAM - | 3.5.4. | Real time processing - | 3. | Real mod - | 3.5.4. | Receiver - | 1.1. | Redirection - | 4.4.7. | Refractive index of light - | 3.6.4. | Refresh - | 3.5.4. | Refreshing DRAM - | 3.5.4. | Registry - | 2.3.2. | 3.3.1. | 4.4.5. | Repeater - | 3.6.3. | 7.4.4. | Resident - | 4.1. | Resolution - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7. | RGBI - | 3.5.7. | RJ45 - | 3.6.4. | RMS - | H.Theater | Rollover - | 3.6.4. | ROM - | 3.3. | 3.5.4. | 3.5.4. | Root - | 4.1. | Rotation - | 2.3.2. | Routed - | 3.6.2. | Router - | 3.6.3. | 7.4.4. | 7.6. | Routing - | 3.6.2. | RS 232c - | 3.3.7. |
S S/PDIF - | Multimedia | 3.5.10. | Safe Mode - | 4.4.1. | SAN - | 3.3.6. | 7.5. | 7.5.1. | SAS - | 3.3.6. | SCAN code - | 3.5.8. | Sampling - | 3.3.7. | 7.1.1. | Saturation - | 3.5.7. | SCART - | 7.6. | SCSI - | 3.3.6. | ScTP - | 3.6.4. | Scype - | 7.4.1. | SDRAM - | 3.5.4. | SDTV - | DVB | SECAM - | 3.3.8. | SECPol - | 4.4.8. | Second (Dual) Complement - | 2.3.2. | Secret key - | GnuPG | Security IDentificator- | 4.4.6. | Semantics - | 1.1. | Server - | 3.6. | 3.6. | 3.6.3. | Session key - | GnuPG | SETUP (Software) - | 9.i. | SETUP (System)- | 3.5.11. | Shannon model - | 1.1. | Signal - | 1.1. | Signal regeneration - | 1.1. | Signal transmission Speed (BOD) - | 1.2. | SLD - | 7.5.5. | SM - | 3.6.4. | Socket - | 3.5.2. | 3.6.2. | 7.4. | 7.4.2. | 7.4.3. | SoftLink - | 4.4.7. | Software - | 3.1. | SOHO - | 4.5.5 | 7.5. | 7.6. | Sound (Music) Card - | 3.3. | 7.1.2. | Soundbar - | H.Theater | SPAN - | 3.3.6. | SPS (Switching Power Supply) - | 3.3.9. | SPTS - | DVB | SSD - | 3.3.6. | SRM - | 3.5.10. | Stack - | 3.3.5. | Stick (USB) - | 3.3.6. | SSDP - | Multimedia | STP - | 3.6.4. | Stack - | 3.3.5. | Straight through - | 3.6.4. | SubPixel - | 3.3.8. | Super-Computer - | 3.2. | 3.3.6. | 7.5. | Switch - | 3.6.3. | 7.4.4. | 7.5.1. | 7.6. | Switch (DOS) - | 4.1. | Switching Power Supply (SPS) - | 3.3.9. | Symbolic link - | 4.4.7. | 5.1.4. | Symlink - | 4.4.7. |
T TAB (tipka) - | 3.5.8. | 4.4.1. | 9.h. | Table of Truth - | 2.4.1. | TAG - | 3.3.5. | TB (TeraByte) - | 2.1.4. | 3.3.3. | TCP/IP - | TCP/IP | 3.6.2. | 4.4.4. | 7.4. | 7.4.3. | TDMA - | 7.5.2. | 7.6. | 7.9. | tebi - | 2.1.4. | tera - | 2.1.4. | Tesla Motors - | 7.11. | Tesla Roadster - | 7.11. | Throughput - | 1.3. | TIA/EIA 568A - | 3.6.4. | TIA/EIA 568B - | 3.6.4. | Time Domain - | 1.3. | TKIP - | 4.4.4. | TLD - | 7.5.5. | TO-DO list - | 6.1. | TOC - | 3.5.5. | Topology - | 3.6.1. | Total Reflection - | 3.6.4. | Touchpad - | 3.3.8 | Tower - | 3.5.11. | Transceiver - | Rack | 3.6.4. | 3.6.4. | Transient - | 4.1. | Transmission path - | 1.1. | Transmitter - | 1.1. | Triode (RGB) - | 3.3.8. | TroughPut - | 1.3. | True color - | 3.3.8. | 3.5.7. | TTS - | 3.6.3. |
U UAC - | 4.5.1. | UART - | 3.3.7. | UDP - | 7.4. | UEFI - | 3.2 | 3.5.6 | 3.5.10. | 3.5.10. | UMA - | 3.5.4. | UHD - | 3.3.8. | Unicast address - | 4.4.4. | 7.4.3. | UNIVAC - | 3.2. | Update - | 6. | Upgrade - | 6. | UPnP - | Multimedia | 7.6. | UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) - | 3.3.10. | URL - | 3.6.5. | USB Extender - | 3.3.7. | USB Stick - | 3.3.6. | User (Client) - | 3.6. | User Account - | 3.6.5. | User Name - | 3.6.5. | User Network - | 3.6.5. | UTP - | 3.6.4. |
V V.xx recommendations - | 3.6.5. | Value - | 3.5.7. | VCSEL - | 3.6.4. | VDSL - | 3.6.6. | Vector - | 1.3. | Vector Display - | 3.3.8. | VGA - | 3.3.8. | Virtual memory - | 4.4.3. | Virtual PC - | Virtual PC | 2.2. | 3.5.4. | 4. | 4.4.2. | 5.1. | 5.2. | Virtualization - | Virtual PC | 5.1. | 5.2. | Von Neumann - | 3.3. | VPU - | 3.5.7. | VRAM - | 3.5.7. |
W Wafer - | 2.4.2. | WAP - | 4.4.4. | Warming - | Chip | Wave Equation - | H.Theater | WDDM - | 4.5.1. | Web - | 7.4. | Web hosting - | 7.7. | Web interface - 7.6.2. | WDT - | 7.2. | Wi‑Fi - | 3.6.4. | 4.4.4. | 7.5.2. | 7.6. | Wireless - | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.5.2. | WLAN (Wireless LAN) - | 7.5.2. | 7.6. | WPA - | 4.4.4. | 4.5.5. | 7.6. | WWW - | 7.4.1. |
X , Y x48 - | 3.5.10. | x58 - | 3.5.10. | x99 - | 3.5.10. | x86 - | 3.5. | 3.5.2. | 4.3. | 4.5.1. | x86-16 - | 3.5.4. | x86-32 - | 3.5.4. | XGA - | 3.3.8. | XMS - | 3.5.4. | xxx86 - | 3.5.2. | xxx87 - | 3.5.2. |
Z Z77 - | 3.5.10. | Z80 - | 7.2. | Z87 - | 3.5.10. | Z97 - | 3.5.10. | Z270 - | 3.5.10. | Z370 - | 3.5.10. | Z390 - | 3.5.10. | Z490 - | 3.5.10. | Z590 - | 3.5.10. | Z690 - | 3.5.10. | Z790 - | 3.5.10. | Zilog - | 7.2. |
@ , # , $ .. € (Euro) - | 9.h. | |
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