i.) Instruction for installation of Software
Installing of software is not common task for an ordinary user. Despite this there are several guidelines for DOS Windows OS to be taken into account.
Each installation of the OS on the computer basically means deleting all data on it before that date (there are exceptions). In this regard it is necessary to decide what OS will be installed on your computer and follow the steps further.
Installing MS-DOS - Windows 3.xx OS on your computer
- Enable the BIOS boot options by loading the data from a disk. Turn off the 'Power Management' option.
- Be sure to set 'Supervisor' and 'User' password in the Security BIOS features as other effective protection against unauthorized use of a computer does.
- Insert the first installation diskette DOS OS system and if the computer starts to follow the instructions provided installation procedure.
- Upon installation of DOS Windows 3.xx first insert the disk and run the A:\SETUP.EXE which will guide you through the installation of Windows 3.xx graphical interface for DOS. Windows 3.xx, as described above are not standalone OS.
- Each subsequent installation of software from Windows 3.xx done via FILE MANAGER running the INSTALL.* or SETUP.* To ensure proper write data into the Windows initialization file and starting the file system and follow the installation instructions.
- First of program support is useful to install archiver-dearchiver PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE and their adequate replacement in the Windows environment, such as WINZIP program group.
- All additional drivers for the modem, graphics or music card install the previously carefully studied the instructions, either printed or saved as a README.TXT file on a floppy disk or CD-ROM.
- Copy floppy with drivers on the backup media, and 'LOCK' them, or to one or more CD-ROM.
For the restoration and reconstruction of a well-BOOT create a bootable floppy in the following way:
- Formatted floppy command FORMAT A: /U /S to be typed in the first sector of data to initialize the OS and copy it to the basic parts of OS: COMMAND.COM, IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS.
- On diskette copy programs FDISK.EXE, FORMAT.COM, UNFORMAT.COM, SYS.COM, CHKDSK.EXE and SCANDISK.EXE for basic configuration or restoration disc.
- If the anticipated use of the CD-ROM drive to a floppy disk would be useful to copy HIMEM.SYS, MSCDEX.EXE and *.SYS control CD-ROM drive and are properly entered in the starting AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files on the floppy.
- At the discretion of the disk can be added to a simple text editor and a software update for easy file transfer.
- Check if the boot floppy good allows the basic system initialization and whether it is a CD-ROM drive available. If the right thing to do at least one a copy of the 'LOCK' them.
Installing Windows 95 (Windows 98) OS on your computer
- Enable the BIOS boot loading the data from the CD-ROM drive (the first boot device).
- If this is not possible on another computer with the same OS that is meant to incorporate the computer to create a bootable floppy BOOT as directed for the DOS system.
- Be sure to set 'Supervisor' and 'User' password in the Security BIOS features as other effective protection against unauthorized use of a computer does. Turn off the 'Power Management' option.
- Upon startup of the disk to start from the CD-ROM drive SETUP program and follow the installation program messages of support.
- All program support install via Windows Explorer to make the installation data neatly typed in the initialization file system.
- For drivers remark applies as with Windows 3.xx. If you intend to use Internet Explorer to install it first and then all the drivers.
- Be sure to first install archiver-dearchiver in the Windows environment as WINZIP package.
- With regard to longer life of your OS should adhere to the following:
- Occasionally it is useful from the windows directory to copy the files to another location SYSTEM.DATA, USER.DAT, SYSTEM.INI and WINDOWS.INI because their just copied into the source directory can be avoided painstakingly 'patching' system. Of course, you can install the client software, which is able to perform.
- Do not rush with the installation of new versions of applications, while certainly not that stable.
- Do not install a new type of program for the same purposes if it does not bring significant advantages over previously used.
- Never use a computer without respect 'SHUTDOWN' procedures.
- Regularly empty the trash and delete temporary files of type -*.TMP because of lack of space on the disk will erase the oldest OS installed files, such as Windows-guessed and (ha!!).
- Install some legitimate program for virus protection.
- Do Disk Defragmenter at least once per month with a pre-cleaning useless content. It can be controlled through the Internet Explorer option and delete the temporary directory and its storage data.
Installing Windows XP operating system on your computer
- Enable the BIOS boot loading the data from the CD-ROM drive (the first BOOT device). Installation can be carried out using SUTUP disk in case of emergency. Turn off the 'Power Management' option not to quarrel with the settings in Windows, the option to turn off the monitor and the option to start the computer via a network card.
If the computer will use more than one user must set the 'Supervisor' password in the Security BIOS features. Password for the user will be entered later on Windows when configuring the individual user.
- Windows XP installation CD-ROM should already prepared with inserted the latest version of Service Pack (SP) method, called SLIPSTREAMING.
- Prepare the latest version of software free AUTOPATCHER how to 'update' the system would not be carried over the network (OA seems that this feature of 30.08.2007. Was waste because it is Microsoft banned authors, one of their more violent nonsense in a sea of their own inability to by doing something like that?). Can also be used nLite developed that offers many useful features, from Slipstreaming process to install the original content and updates to the drivers and prepared post-installation settings.
- Prepare a CD with all drivers (diver's) for the motherboard, video card and other devices to your computer, and if it is possible to add them to a new folder with installation CD for Windows XP+SP or CD with patches.
- Turn off the power cord from the computer, turn on the computer with embedded Windows XP+SP media are referred to as 'Press any key ..' instructed to execute the uploaded SETUP installation program. Press <F6> if it will use the additional drivers from floppy disks (RAID for example), and at the end of this phase <F8> press for acceptance of license terms.
- If the drive was already installed a system, it is recommended to delete the disk partition on which it is installed, of course with prior archiving important data. Develop a system partition again using the SETUP option. During installation choose CUSTOM type of installation to be able to immediately adjust the language and network parameters.
- If the disc is completely clean resize only the first system partition. The rest will be made after installation. Windows XP can directly fetch up to 4 (four) PRIMARY partitions offered by the BIOS, which is enough for most users. The author of this text is usually made one primary partition and one extended partition, extended partition can share it at will in a large number of logical units (as in Figures 4.3.6 and 4.3.7).
The recommendation is made for the drive size <40 GB / 40 GB-80 GB / >80 GB at least three partitions:
- System partition of 7 / 9 / 12 GB ( [C:] – Type NTFS )
- Data partition of 8 / 11 / 16 GB ( [D:] – Type NTFS )
- Multimedia and BACKUP partition from the remaining space ( [E:] – Type NTFS )
If using demanding, the disk space partition [C:] should increase proportionally with the increase occupancy at its installation disk. It is good if the unused space slightly larger than the capacity of single-sided DVD media, because most of the software for processing of DVDs and the like, used as a temporary storage area just above the unused system partition.
- In the multimedia partition [E:] Create a directory where one kept one or more of the system partition [C:] made using the type GHOST (BartPE with GHOST included for example). Efficient to quickly restore the system to function correctly restore the image partition but searched and cleaned the system partition anti-virus tools in case of its infestation. For this purpose, all data users must be moved the data partition [D:] to avoid when you restore the image od system partition overwriting. Thus, the data partition are moved directories [My Documents], [My Mail] and similar. In the media partition, also the highest partition of disk, in addition to the content specified by name is useful to move and temporary working directory of software and systems such as [Temp], [Temporary Internet Files] and similar to those discussed in Chapter 4.4.3 which can automatically delete the script or 'hand' when needed. Saved picture (image) of the system partition to set up RO properties and hide from prying.
- Different organizations may apply if your computer includes two discs. For example, the first partition on the first drive [C:] to set the operating system on the first partition of the second drive [D:] fixed size virtual memory and software for the user, on the second partition of the first drive [E:], instant results and multimedia in use, and that they are of importance, save later on optical media or an external drive to free up space for new content. The second partition of the second drive [F] create temporary working directory and type [Temp] and directories for data processing. Then record the extensive content (like video) is performed on the disk opposite the application and processing of the recorded score goes in the opposite direction from the disk drive on which the recorded content and everything is much faster than the system with a single disk. Partition [C:] and [D:] need not be larger than 20 GB, and their images are stored in one of the hidden and protected partitions larger directory [E:] or [F]. For all partitions is a good idea to have NTFS type. This author uses four partitions and when using one disc:
- System [C:] - operating system of a computer.
- Progs [D:] - virtual memory and program support (web tools, graphic tools, etc.).
- Data [E:] - data as a result of users, documents and books.
- Fun [F] - folders for temporary facilities (Temp) and working directories of software, multimedia and games, and a directory for storing images [C:] and [D:] partition.
- In this way the system partition only contains configuration settings of software, which can then be expanded and preserve (in directories [Application Data] of all users who are located in the directory [Documents and Settings]). According to the previous example, partition named 'Fun' occupies the largest part of the disk. Defragmentation smaller partitions significantly faster and easier to maintain. Names of partitions are chosen according to their purpose. If you later want to add Linux OS, on account of the largest partition to create another partition will not be formatted nor declared in the Windows system.
- Follow the instructions on the screen and adjust the language (in four places) and the network settings (at least in name). Indicate the number of installation CD upon request. Adjust the time zone.
- Report computer users and when everything was installed log (log) for each user in order to create his work environment and set his password. The password for the administrator. Restrict user activities GUEST.
- Be sure to install anti-virus software support before proceeding 'UPDATE'.
- Execute 'update' to the operating system by using AUTOPATCHER, or supplements for nLite program support, at least for the 'Critical Updates'. If the 'update' procedure is done over the network, to include the network cable and immediately refresh the base anti-virus program support. AUTOPATCHER has a very useful feature activation codes to delete the installation files after installing the patch the patch comes to maintaining the 'purity' of the system, as in the automatic 'update' across the network is not possible.
- In the {Control Panel settings}-/System/ -||Hardware||- |Device Manager| get rid of all the questionnaires and exclamation points prepared for the installation of drivers.
- If there is enough RAM is useful to adjust the virtual memory file (PAGEFILE.SYS) to a fixed value (quite 150% of physical memory). When the program returns to the backup system partition's file will be placed at the beginning of the disk and not somewhere in the midst of mid-space partitions. The above is set in the choice of {Control Panel}-/System/ -||Advanced||- /Performance/-|Settings| -||Advanced||- /Virtual Memory/-|Change|.
- Windows Explorer set to show 'hidden' folders and files (Figure 4.4.7b). For all users of the shared folder [Documents and Settings] 'moved' contents of each user to [My Documents], [Temp], [Temporary Internet Files], [Favorites] and associated folders and files of software like Outlook Express mail (settings in the /Tools/-/Options/-||Maintenance||-|Store Folder ..| you .WAB files) on a partition that is not a system in accordance with the number of partitions and entrusted, and on the selected partition, create a new folder for the appropriate each user, and thus reduce the writing on the system drive and also to isolate the useful information and folders for temporary data from the system. It is possible that it will take 'manually' correct 'registry' of each user.
- It's good for every user capacity of its folder [Temporary Internet Files] is set to 8 MB to get into it is not stuffed and leave various other facilities. The user usually does not know what it is option /Delete Files ../ settings in Internet Explorer and useful to include |Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed| that users are not confused by the term 'refresh'. It is useful to start with every registered user 'Windows Media Player' to adjust its options, the user can again lead to confusion when his queries to adjust the appearance when you first start the application.
- Turn off hibernation to remove HIBERFIL.SYS file size of physical RAM. If the installation of the driver's neat pass and the system works properly, delete 'backup' files replaced driver, map [WINDOWS\system32\Reinstall Backups]. Can be emptied first hand map [WINDOWS\Prefetch] and [WINDOWS\system32\dllcache]. During operation, these folders will be filled with what is most used.
Can still without fear emptied the [Windows\Registered Packages], [Windows\Software Distribution\Download] and [Windows\Downloaded Installations].
- But still in a hidden folder [System Volume Information] has lots of files created during installation that is largely erased triple plugging and unplugging the options {Control Panel}-/System/-||System Restore||-|Turn off System Restore on all Drivers|. In the end, remaining by using Windows Explorer to delete all the contents in the [Documents and Settings] for each user in the [Local Settings] to empty the [Temporary Internet Files] and [Temp] and the [Windows\Temp] where it is safe something else (if you have not been displaced as previously recommended). Now through the {Search} in Windows Explorer can delete all files types:
.BAK, .TMP, .-MP, .PRV, .---, .001, .002 (etc.), .LOG, .OLD, .*$, .$$$, .??, .??-, .^*, .SYD, .MP, .GID, .FTS.
Some log will not give you deleted, because they hold some of the 'current' service. But if you just want to be thorough this deletion is best done in SAFE MODE. All folders whose names begin with - and $ can be deleted.
- If the computer's operating system installed Service Pack (SP3), then the installation of a set of programs to upgrade the operating system to the directory [Windows\ServicePackFiles] unpacked many files. This book is actually a temporary 'storage' extracted the files required to install these upgrades the operating system and the content of this book is without fear by installing SP entirely deleted. During installation, the SP, if not incorporated into the installation CD, the same preparation before installation originally unpacked in a directory called like [wegqerhhjh ...] on the partition with the most free space, and hence the system is installed. This directory after installing SP's can feel free to delete.
- That the user would not have led to confusion with the automatically detected network or shared printer is useful in the selection of the Windows Explorer /Tools/Folder Options../-||View|| off item |Automaticly search for network folders and printers|. For ease of administration of shared access (offered) devices and folders well at this point to turn off |Use simple file sharing (Recommended)|. When everything is on the computer set Windows Explorer to set not to show hidden and system files and folders. Properties desktop well have set the /Properties/ -||Desktop||- |Customoze Desktop..| to clean desktop automatically after 60 days.
It must not be forgotten in 'users' [Default User] and [LocalService].
- XP has a tendency to 'forget' where he was offered a printer on the network, no matter what his service provider involved. The solution turned out well is that the configuration of network services all services were on the 'manual', and launched themselves, set to 'automatic'. Can be a problem in advertising the available resources. A possible solution is entering the computer group in the HOSTS file in the [WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc].
In this situation, when you have to dress up even further shared network resources accordingly adjust the firewall and user access rights to network resources offered.
- If we want to limit the freedom of users in its 'fixing' the operating system, the option {Control Panel}-/Administrative Tools/-/Computer Management/Local Users and Groups/-/Users/-/User_Name- Properties/ card over ||Member of|| join the appropriate group and deny his administrative rights. Indicated possible izvesit so that through the choice of {Control Panel}-/User Accounts/-/User_Name-Change my account type/ setup rights |Limited| but it is not powerful as previously stated. Described can be exercised only if the system created more users and at least one one has administrator privileges.
- After adjusting the actions carried out applications and 'cleaning up' useless content on the hard disk needs to 'clean up' and register. As noted in the Chapter on the (registry), a database which all data on the computer and performed acts registers - and keeps records, it will remain a multitude of 'keys' that lead to the contents of a hard drive where more after deleting or moving NO. Searching for something which is no more noticeable slowing system performance, and therefore should be a high quality tool to clean and optimize registry.
- It should be noted that some drivers are remembered only by default assuming 'Turn Off Computer' and not when you restart the computer (reboot-restart), and only then the defaults finally permanently entered in the register. This is often the case when you set your graphics card settings. So, before the final backup system should be properly shut down the computer.
- After he completed these items perform basic BACKUP system partition on the largest partition, [E:] or [F:] partition, depending on the distribution disk partitions/disks. This enables the painless and quick retrieval systems (restore) without fear of data loss. The described procedure is not mentioned installing other software (like Microsoft Office). So, this is how to install and backup in the 'pure' and the correct operating system. Then install all the necessary software and belonging updates, and if everything is neatly passed, by installing the same vain, but these folders if they are again filled with something. Then the selected partition to make the next BACKUP (do not delete basic). In an era of many malicious programs, restore the image of the system partition is the fastest and safest way to bring the system in proper condition, no painful search anti-virus and similar tools that whatever was done is uncertain given the final score.
Installing Windows 7 operating system on your computer
- Installation of this operating system is described in a lot of pictorial explanations at the beginning of Chapter 4.5, so in this chapter are not necessarily large descriptions. As there is a great similarity with the XP operating system instructions referred to in the preceding description should be used if they match the operating system.
- Before installation to ensure installation media with all drivers (driver's) or downloaded from the Internet with appropriate stands fresher drivers and all of them to prepare for installation on a single optical medium. How to Install DVD media has not been fully exploited can make his ISO file in which to incorporate fresh drivers and then create a new installation media.
- Clean residual postinstalacijskih content and other types of residual files and directories is done similarly as described in the Windows XP operating system, taking into account the differences in the names of specific directories to the comparative table described in the chapter on Windows 7 operating system.
- Upon completion of the installation process to make basic BACKUP disk partition on which the system and software, and make the final BACKUP end when all the client software installed and executed all system configuration and programming resources. Restore the image of the system partition is the fastest and safest way to bring the system in proper condition.
Installing Windows 10 operating system on your computer
- The installation of this operating system and its setup is described in Chapter 4.6, with partitions as at the table for the 'Windows 7' operating system, and a complete description of the installation is shown graphically in the .PDF file as an attachment at that Chapter.
- Analogy to 'Windows 7' operating system use the the possibilities of BACKUP procedure to save and restore the image of the system partition.
To protect health with regard to data loss during the intervention of your younger family members, colleagues from work or from your mistakes, observe the following:
- Each new box of floppy format immediately, no matter what it says DOS-formated, because you never know how they were stored. Magnetic records are lost during severe cold or heat.
- The data on the floppy never explicitly read from it, but copy them to your hard drive and read from it. Certain software real additional 'hidden' working files from the original file, which can be sealed with the floppy and make it unreadable.
- Copy all worth at least two or ZIP disks or occasionally burn to CD/DVD media. Do not throw the 'old' CD/DVD media, put them in a 'round bunt limitation' - may need.
- CD/DVD are very sensitive to heat, and the quality of them varies depending on the manufacturer and manufacturing technology. Choose the ones that are specialized IT magazines recommend. If you need to make multiple copies, and 'bake' with the slower speed of the optical drive.
- A good solution is the use of DVD-RAM media, which has already been prepared for the reception of data, and the paper behaves similarly to the floppy. In comparison to the DVD-RW is steadier and allows about a thousand times more RW operations.
- An even better solution is an M-Disc type optical media that promises centuries of record durability, although in my opinion there is nothing better than a NAS device with a RAID array, because optical devices are slow
- Keep all important if it is possible to at least one computer, especially on the server if you have one available.
- In case of storing large amounts of data using a NAS device that has a RAID array that remains functional in the event of failure of one of the disks.
- USB stick is not the device for storing data, but the data transfer from one computer to another and never read data directly from it rather than copy them to your hard disk and hence read (due to possible filling the space).
- The computer is susceptible to damage, as well as the OS. The computer will be repaired or re-install the OS and software, but where did the data come back if you do not have them saved somewhere?
- Storing and preserving your data is your constant care!
- Do not learn from their own mistakes. At least the first time any of these actions make with the assistance of a professional.
Finally a small remark about users.
In the world of information technology, there are two types of users:
1.) Users who have already lost data.
2.) Users that data will sooner or later lose.
Usually members of the first-mentioned groups, just learned the lessons.
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Radic, Drago. " Informatics Alphabet " Split-Croatia.
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