Informatics Alphabet


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Preface — Preamble — Content

 1. Informatics - Basic IT Terms

 1.1. Concept of Informatics

 1.2. Amount of Information

 1.3. Theory of Signal

 2. DCS (Digital Computer System)

 2.1. Number Systems

 2.2. Code and Coding

 2.3. Computer Arithmetic

 2.4. Computer Logic

 3. Organization & Structure of DCS

 3.1. Definition of DCS

 3.2. Historic Development

 3.3. Computer Hardware

 3.4. Computer Software

 3.5. PC Computer System

 3.6. Computer Networks

 4. Microsoft Operating Systems

 4.1. MS-DOS 6.22

 4.2. MS-Windows 3.11

 4.3. Windows 95, 98

 4.4. Windows XP

 4.5. Windows 7

 4.6. Windows 10

 4.7. Windows 11

 5. UNIX Operating Systems

 5.1. Linux - Debian OS

 5.2. Linux - Ubuntu OS

 6. Software Development

 6.1. Phases of Development

 6.2. Programming

 7. Informatics in Practice

 7.1. A/D - D/A Converters

 7.2. Microcontrollers

 7.3. Computers & Processes

 7.4. Internet

 7.5. Intranet

 7.6. SOHO

 7.7. Earning on the Internet

 7.8. pH Meter (pH)

 7.9. C4ISR

7.10. Formula 1 (F1) - Race car

7.11. Electric Car (BEV)

7.12. Artificial Intelligence

 8. Specific IT Concepts

 9. Inclosure - Code Pages

10. Glossary of IT Terms

11. Bibliography

12. WEB Links

13. Index of Terms


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According to the previously displayed content of the electronic book (e-book) 'IT - Information Alphabet' contains twelve chapters and one sub-chapter. The list still shows the main sub-chapters of each chapter, and the complete contents of the books is displayed on a separate page accessible from the icon 'Content', along which are some basic icons according faster reach the desired content. Additionally sliding icon incorporated into each page, always in the right lower corner of the Web page, and is divided into two parts which are links to the home page and to the 'Content' page. Each page has incorporated the magnifying glass icon takes the user to the search page where the two forms, one for browsing the whole WWW, and the other for local search of site. The search form on this page applies only to local site. In addition all the contents can be accessed from the menu at the top of each page, which the composition changes depending on which page the reader viewing.

E-Book 'IT - Informatics Alphabet' is made in HTML format. Incidentally are made regarding changes for better transparency of content on smartphones, than all is transferred to the communication via SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), which is a security layer communication within the transport protocol, part of the TCP/IP communication stack. Why not some other format? Simply because this concept is most grateful for the rapid changes and / or extensions of e-book content. Unifying content into a comprehensive format , as a PDF tutorial, would allow the uniqueness of content and easy printing, but the file was quite large and would not allow what HTML format can - interactivity and quick reachability of the individual chapters. E-Book basically contains descriptions of IT concepts and basic guiding of this e-book is INFORMATICS, the science that deals with the study of information and their processing by computer. The term, which along with computing increasingly part of the educational program. The tutorial describes the basic concepts of messages, communications and information characteristics, the basic structure and principles of operation of electronic computers to process information and its application in practice; messages and information, binary system, binary arithmetic and logic, data structures, algorithms, programming languages, software engineering, computer architecture, communications and more. Vocational-oriented approach. This e-book in its content belongs to this area.

At the very beginning, in the first Chapter are explained the two most important concepts:

Without of overcoming the first item, the second item is not possible to apply. Most of the e-tbook refers to basic concepts that allow overcoming the first items and descriptions that are related to maintenance, and the whole e-book describes the different modes of communication, which must be known in order to establish communication between the source and destination. Another item is much more complicated because it requires knowledge of the use of different software and enough knowledge in their own professions that can recognize the result of the data processing. It takes much more complex knowledge of those described in this e-book. Thus, 'IT - Informatics Alphabet' has the task to the reader as much as possible becomes 'informatics & computer literate'.

As the hardware components of a computer, as well as the operating systems that they apply quite different, more attention is given to only 'PC' and 'Windows' operating system, which is widely used throughout the World. According to statistics 'Windows' OS is the most widely used operating system. Therefore, when describing the general terms often used examples from the 'Windows' operating system. Looking at today's films using computer animation, it is certain that it will use the more powerful systems, dedicated almost made and which typically cost a lot. However, such systems are not the subject of this e-book.

All today's computers use a binary number system as the basis of their work. This does not mean that it is necessary to know in detail and needless to learn mathematical operations with him. It is more important to know programming languages, but there are so many that at one such e-book almost impossible to describe them, and is therefore shown only a few examples of the almost 'dead' programming language BASIC, but that is still the most suitable for beginners to learn.

To readers as much closer to the use of Information Technology (IT) in the present, electronic book concludes with a Chapter 'Informatics in Practice', and interesting features that do not belong to the general descriptions are covered in more detail in the group of pages under the Chapter 'Specific IT concepts'. Definitely, some Chapters have already upon their outdated, because the technology in this field is progressing very quickly, but can be effectively used as a general example of the use of hardware or software, and information technology in general.

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Radic, Drago. " Informatics Alphabet " Split-Croatia.
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